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Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Simple Happy Life in a Just and Sensible Society

At some time in the future the world's bloated affluent societies
will be much simpler and a more enjoyable place to exist.
Social 'progress' today relies primarily on commercial growth and consumer over-consumption to expand. So many of us are totally tuned in to this continuing socio-economic routine and the young appear lined up for a life of the same. In the richer regions of the world it is what we are. Materialism is firmly entrenched as we work and live uneasily, anticipating ownership of that next thing. Often friends and family will take a back seat as we toil away.
How many of our recent conversations have been about new products like clothing and cars, new tech gadgets...? Interesting but usually introducing a bit of competition, perhaps unconsciously to the discussions. And advertising is always present in our lives heightening the desire for the need for something new or better.
This long running consuming binge will falter as the negative effects that wasteful living has on the planet and it's habitants becomes totally obvious to all. But change will come. It will be gradual through a shift in social values; or by economic shock with massive corporate failures and crippled government operations. The continual feverish competition for profits with the bottoming of corporate ethics will reach a limit.
People will finally demand change, with truly democratic governments whose first priorities are their people. They will want the elimination of grave injustices such as poverty and starvation, and environmental destruction. Isn't it time now for that change to a fairer, more satisfying and simpler existence?

What Is Simple Living?
According to Duane Elgin author, speaker, educator, consultant, and media activist it is "Living in a way that is outwardly simple and inwardly rich."
That sounds very refreshing compared to our fast-paced 'I need more money, I need more things' daily existence. It is much easier said than to do when all others seem actively participating in the race to acquire. Yet as interest in our natural world and in other people increases, and as the idea of a peaceful satisfying wholesome lifestyle becomes more appealing, a change in social values is entirely possible .

Why Choose Simplicity?
"In these difficult economic times of broken government, corporate bailouts, failing health care, a widening gap between the rich and poor, unemployment, and soaring debt, just about everyone is looking for smart ways to do more with less. For many, consciously choosing to live more simply is a practical, down-to-earth option that really works.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Psychological self-help

1: We, as humans, primarily learn to be the way we are;

therefore, at any point in life, we can learn to be different. But, it may not

be easy to change. 

I assume there are reasons--causes--for everything we do, and

that humans can learn to understand those reasons, which are

dependable, "lawful," useful, cause and effect relationships. Therefore,

each of us could presumably gain considerable control over our own

futures by understanding and using the "laws of behavior," especially

those in the form of self-help methods, such as:

If I repeatedly highly reward a desired behavior, it will probably

increase in frequency.

If I deeply relax for 10 minutes twice a day, I will probably be

calmer throughout the day.

If I learn new communication skills, such as empathy, I will

probably get along better with people.

If I can view a situation more positively or, at least, as being

"lawful," I will probably be less upset.

I will describe many self-help methods in simple terms, step by

step, almost like recipes in a cookbook. Then, we will learn how those

methods can be used with specific problems, like fears, sadness,

jealousy, selection of a mate, etc. If you understand how a problem

started and what keeps it going, and how self-help methods work, you

are better able to devise a way to change things. And that's what self-

help is all about.

I truly believe you learn by doing, not just by reading a book or

talking about your problems. You must use the ideas. So, I'll give you

lots of examples of how to use psychological methods in everyday life.

Hopefully, you can then see many ways to use each method in your

life--and, more importantly, will immediately try out the methods. If

you don't use the idea you have read or heard about within a day or

two, you will probably forget it.

As you read, ask yourself: How can I apply this idea or self-help

method today or tomorrow? As you live, moment by moment, ask

yourself: What have I learned about psychology that would help in this

situation? This learning orientation is crucial to changing; it becomes

automatic and contagious. A few successes will crush the old, cruel

idea that you can't change things, and then you get "high" on learning

about yourself and how to relate to others better. I'd like to see you

take an experimental approach to life, i.e. try out self-help methods to

see what works for you. As you learn and experience more, you

become more self understanding, more in control, less helpless and

more confident, and better prepared for a whole life-time of growth.

We all try to help ourselves all the time, so why not learn to be a really

good, knowledgeable self-helper and steadily improve your future?
